
Bill had seen a lot of pretty things in his lifetime. He’d seen tombs filled to the brim with sparkle and vaults with gold shining so brightly you needed to shield your eyes.

But none of that compared to Fleur.

Fleur was not just pretty. Fleur was pretty talented, pretty smart, pretty passionate, and pretty witty. Fleur had a way about her that screamed magnificence and she didn’t try to hide it. Yet nobody seemed to know it, because they just saw her as pretty.

Fleur had a short temper and a sharp tongue. She had a fire in her soul that she put into everything she’d ever done. So when she’d asked Bill to teach her more English, he’d cocked his head to the side and given her a crooked grin.

“Sure, on one condition.”

Fleur had rolled her eyes, turning to the side and pushing her hair away from her face. But, in that same moment, a click was heard alongside a blinding flash of light.

“Say cheese”

Midnight Stroll


((A Special Thanks to @thehumanrat for helping me come up with a title.

 Mary played by: @asklilyluna ))

Her feat hit the ground hard as she ducked into the Forbidden Forest. She knew the dangers but at this moment, Dorcas Meadowes didn’t care. She ran as hard and as fast as she could till her feet bleed until she just stopped…


Dorcas back stiffened as she felt another presence nearby. It wasn’t until the lanky boy came out from the shadows did she relax.

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