Happy Birthday!


Molly leads Ron into a room, covering his eyes.

Ron: Alright mum, what’s the present?

Ron: Uhh, who are you?


Ron: Ah… right. Mum, I thought I told you that I don’t really need anything for my birthday this year…

Molly: Oh, hush now. It’s not from me, it’s from Sirius. And you need a pet, especially after the whole Scabbers incident. I’m sure this OWL will serve you well!

Ron: So, what do we call you?

Ron: Ugh, did Ginny come up with that?

Pigwidgeon: Yes!

Ron: …How about I call you Pig instead?

Ron: But, didn’t Ginny just come up with your name?

Pig: Well, you’re my friend and you call me Pig, so all my friends call me Pig!

Ron: Well, nice to meet you, Pig!

Pigwidgeon is now online!


Ron: Pig… Pig… PIGWIDGEON!

Ron: I need you to get a message to mum. Can you tell her that I burnt a hole in my robes during potions and whaa- what are you doing?

Pig: Taking your message, of course!

Ron: But why are you so close to the paper?

Ron: Pig… they’re on your head…

Ron: You know what, just forget it.

(suggested by an anon, human!pigwidgeon is online!)

Since you’re a big blog and get so many notes, can you stop using the hp rp community tag? You’re clogging up my dash


Is this hate mail for having too much activity on my blog? Mama, I made it!

But in all seriousness, how dare you accuse me of being a big blog. I am a middle tier blog at best.

I’m so confused? Because the “hp rp community” tag is for…ya know…the hp rp community…of which Cate is a part. So. It’s a pretty good tag to use? It’s good organization for their own blog and anyone who wants to see the content of hp rp blogs but I mean ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Also, Cate, you are not just the middle tier of a cake. You are a cupcake. Something like this one, even.

un lenguaje universal


James: *leyendo un trozo de pergamino* Hola, Evans. Encontré un diccionario- para poder hablar.. contigo hasta que- esto desaparezca… ¿Cómo estás hoy? Lamento que,, no puedas hablar inglés ahora… pero de esta manera todavía –podemos hablar. No quise ofenderte- antes, y espero poder,, compararte, tal vez en una cita.


James: Te amo? I don’t know that, let me look it up in the dictiona-


James: Oh. Well, I don’t need a dictionary to translate that.


James: Gracias, Lily Evans.

Translation: (title: a universal language)

James: *reading a piece of parchment * Hey, Evans. I found a dictionary-so I could talk.. With you until-this disappears… how are you today? I’m sorry that, you can’t speak English now… but this way we’re still–we can talk. I didn’t mean to offend you- before, and I hope I can,, make it up, maybe on a date.

Lily: That is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me… I love you.

James: Te amo? I don’t know that, let me look it up in the dictiona-

Lily: No, no no. *kisses james on the cheek*

James: Oh. Well, I don’t need a dictionary to translate that. Thank you, Lily Evans.

And with that, I’m offline! Thanks again to @the-moon-and-stars-my-love