
“Listen, no bloke in his right mind’s going to fancy Tonks when Fleur’s around. I mean, Tonks is okay-looking when she isn’t doing stupid things to her hair and her nose…"  

Nymphadora Tonks Costest, heavily inspired by @metamorph-magus vision for everyone’s favourite mischievous metamorphmagus.



Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

bloody hell, harry. that was not funny.

Okay; I’ve got several bones to pick with this scene, because it never made any sense to me. 

  • Ron KNOWS that Harry is invisible around him; why is he looking scared? 
  • Ron lives in a castle with ghosts and Poltergeists that can turn invisible. Why would this freak him out? 
  • Why does Hermione figure it out but Ron doesn’t? Ron is the one who grew up in the wizarding world, and was used to ghosts more than she was. It is far less of a novelty for him to be around ghosts than it is for her. Is this supposed to be part of the ‘Ron is stupid and doesn’t know what’s going on around him’ thing that the film-makers put in? Because that’s a pretty lame way of trying to get people to laugh at the character (who, by the way, was never stupid, and it shows just how much the film-makers missed the point of his character that they tried to make him seem stupid).  

Seriously, the scene makes no sense and just seems to exist in order to poke fun at Ron. But then again, it WAS written by Steve ‘Weasley-hater’ Kloves so that doesn’t surprise me.